How to make homemade mayonnaise with a light mayo recipe, if you are trying to cut down on calories this light mayo recipe is ideal and really delicious.
Always use a cold egg yolk and cold mustard
Use a shallow bowl with a rounded bottom, when your mayo is done, you can transfer it into any serving bowl you like best
Put a wet cloth under your bowl so it doesn't fly away while you are drizzling oil with one hand and whisking with the other hand.
1 tbsp. mustard
1 egg yolk
1 cup (240 ml) vegetable oil
Salt and pepper to taste
1 (about 2/3 cup) Greek yogurt
2 tbsp. chives or other herbs (optional)
juice of 1 lemon (optional)
Utensils: 1 small bowl with a round bottom
Lay a wet cloth under your bowl so as to stabilize it
Into the bowl, add cold mustard and egg yolk, whisk until well incorporated, as soon as incorporated, drizzle a little bit of oil and whisk in to start the mayo, then drizzle a thin stream of oil, continuing whisking
Add salt and pepper to taste, make a well spiced mayo
At this point, you can either keep on adding oil and whisking until you are satisfied with the quantity, or you may opt for the light mayo version and add the Greek yogurt, incorporate the yogurt with a spatula or spoon
Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary
Optional: Add your choice of herbs or a mix, add the juice of 1 lemon
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