Patty Saveurs

Everyday and Special Occasions Homemade Meals

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A delicious strawberry syrup to add to your cupcakes, cheesecakes or to add to your milkshakes, can be used in numerous recipes.

I think that we should always have some in the house. It can be stored about a week in the fridge.

Obviously, this syrup can be made with various berries, you might need to adjust the sugar amount though, it seems to me that strawberries are the sweetest berries..

I have used this recipe (with raspberries) for hazelnut and raspberry financiers, here is a link to the recipe, click here.

  • Easy
  • 15 minutes

Ingredients :

2 cups strawberry diced in small chunks,

1/2 cup (115 g) sugar

1/2 cup (120 ml) water

Recipe :

In a small pan, add all ingredients and stir well

Bring to a boil on low heat

Reduce heat and let simmer for about 10 minutes

Blend briefly or until smooth

Let cool

Store in a jar with a lid, or cover with plastic wrap

Into the fridge for a minimum of 20 minutes or until needed   


Original recipe from Robyn Stone, here’s a link for her method click here.

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